Lots of young people have helped to create this website, Adam, Ethan & Freya have taken the lead on this work.
The eXtreme Group
This project has been led by young people from the eXtreme group, an Investing in Children group.
The eXtreme group is a group for young people in County Durham with SEND. We meet to share ideas and help to make SEND services better for young people.
Investing in Children
Investing in Children is a Children’s human rights organisation based in the North East of England.
Investing in Children believes that:
Children and young people possess the same human rights as the rest of humanity. They will experience better quality of life in society in general, and the services used by them in particular, recognise and respect these rights.
Children and young people possess the same human rights as the rest of humanity. They will experience better quality of life in society in general, and the services used by them in particular, recognise and respect these rights.
Children and young people know about what is happening around them (what has been described as their 'lived lives')
Organisations that provide services for children and young people (duty bearers) must recognise their right to participate, and engage children and young people in dialogue that is aimed at bringing about improvements in their 'lived lives'.
The means of engaging children and young people must be inclusive and respect the democratic rights of all.
For more information, please click here to visit the Investing in Children website.