Autistic Meltdown
A meltdown is what happens when someone feels completely overwhelmed and they lose control. Think of it as like a can of pop that has been shaken up. Stress and emotions build up and then… POP!
Someone having a meltdown might shout, scream, cry, kick, hit or bite. It is important to know that it is not always violent.
A meltdown is not the same as a temper tantrum. Someone having a meltdown is not being bad or naughty.
Some people will show signs that they are getting overwhelmed before the meltdown happens. Knowing what these signs are can help you and other people spot when a meltdown might be coming. You might feel anxious or worried and start fidgeting or stimming more, asking lots of questions about what’s going on or go very quiet. If you learn to spot these signs, you might be able to avoid a full meltdown.
You can help to avoid a meltdown by doing things that calm you down.
- Listening to music
- Stimming
- Getting away from the situation that is stressful
- Know what calms you down
- Give time to recover
- Don’t ask lots of questions
Messages from the Your Autism Crew
What are your signs that you might be on the way to a meltdown and what helps you calm down?
If you would like to add a message to the website please add your comments in the box below.