Nic's Story

Experience of autism
37 but I knew before then.
Back when I was young, girls weren’t autistic! I was treated differently at school. I wasn’t even allowed to go part and they knew I was struggling especially with friendships and bullying. I was poorly often and struggled through. I was in top sets and considered ‘difficult’ from the teachers who didn’t lie me and ‘quirky’ by those who did.
A regular diagnosis of circumstantial depression, which was always autistic burn out. Likely for adjustments of expectations on communication in the workplace. I never really did well at work, I’m significantly better as a self-employed person.
Yes, it’s given me almost permission to set boundaries and stick with them. I have limited energy resources, which is why I ended up in burnout so often. I’m now very selective on how I spend that energy and have zero guilt about it.
I think a lot if the best lessons in life you learn the hard way. You’ve just got to play the hand you’re being dealt that day, most of life is just luck.
In 2022, with a huge help and push from my friend and colleague Kieran, I chaired a charity voluntarily for 4 years before that. Both kind of happened accidentally. Why, because I want people to understand their autistic experiences otherwise there is no point in diagnosing this generation. Neurobears as it is now, actually came out of my head the day after my diagnosis, although it had been milling around in there for a while.
Top Tip
Understand your needs, share them, stick to them and put yourself in spaces that not only allow but encourage you to do so.
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